Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Royal Rap

Sometimes Prince John worried about his family; his father in particular. Of course, everyone knew that the very nature of royalty had changed. No one expected them to remain locked away in castles anymore, eating off solid gold plates and dancing gavottes to classical music. People liked it that the King and Queen were seen attending pop music events. It was considered a sign that they were in touch with the zeitgeist when well-known actors and singers were invited, occasionally, to gala events at the palace. But, thought Prince John, there had to be limits and surely a royal rap dancing video, with father-and-son coordinated outfits, posted on Youtube, was really pushing the limits of respectability.

The trouble was, how to broach the subject? His sister, Princess Letitia, loved it. He had seen her surreptitiously checking her phone while they were at functions to see how many subscribers the royal channel had. And clearly his dad was going to be hard to convince that this was not a dignified way for a king to behave. That left Queen Anja. Yes, she was his only hope. His mother was not the type to openly criticize her husband, or suggest that any idea of his was in any way questionable, but John sensed that deep in side she felt the same way he did. Now he just had to think of a way of bringing the subject up.

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