Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Gwassel and the Augelein

Gwassel knew he was being watched - and followed. Often he heard the sound of eyelashes and when he surreptitiously flipped an antenna over his shoulder sure enough, there would be the Augelein, slightly embarrassed, pupils shifting uneasily, pretending to be reading a book. Gwassel had noticed straight away that it was always the same book. And it wasn't even a proper books, with words. It was completely blank, like a note book. There are other extraterrestrials who would no doubt have been alarmed by this constant surveillance. But Gwassel wasn't like that. He found it amusing. Perhaps a little flattering. On Krumphf97 there were very few intelligent beings (or unintelligent ones, for that matter) with bellybuttons. This was because most beings on Krumphf97 were of reptilian origin - although there were a few who Gwassel also suspected were the result of failed laboratory experiments. But Gwassel was a Gnosha and Gnoshas had belly buttons. The mild weather on Krumphf97 meant that most of the year Gwassel did not need to bother with clothing. He had nothing to embarrassed about (Gnosharian genitalia retracts neatly into the body when not required) and everything to be proud of. If the Augelein wished to spend its time following him, then far be it from Gwassel to deny it that pleasure.

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